A new version of the Inventory System is available. This release includes various refinements to existing systems to flesh out more combat-related functionality.
Inventory Ammo Provider
The GGAmmoProvider component is responsible for providing ammunition to equipped weapons. Previously, it only had a “simple” strategy: Creating ammunition out of thin air. The new GGAmmoProviderInventoryStrategy pulls ammunition from items in the inventory it’s connected to. This allows players to pick up ammunition from loot boxes and item spawns
Weapon and Combat Refinements
The MyRangedWeapon2D class, which powers the two example guns in the Multiplayer Interaction Demo has received some ammo consumption refinements to go with the Inventory Ammo Provider mechanic and now emits signals when firing/reloading. Melee weapons and projectiles now use the GGHurtBox component to deal damage. The HurtBox applies damages to a HitBox, which is then processed by a DamageCalculator strategy to update the HealthStats component.
The new Ghost “Enemy” spawns as part of the Multiplayer Interaction Demo, and can receive damage from both melee and ranged weapons. When taking hits, the amount of damage floats above the character/object, which is all handled on the server and replicated to clients for multiplayer by a new set of classes.
Added a new configurable MyEntitySpawner2D to spawn the Ghost
Added the GGAmmoProviderInventoryStrategy, along with some ammo and projectile rework.
Added configurable target (defaults to “_blank”) for the GGRichTextURLOpener.
Added GGFloatingNotifier component to inform the GGFloatingDisplay component to display floating numbers for server and clients.
Melee Weapons now each have dedicated scenes.
Ranged Weapons were reworked for improved ammo handling and signal emission when firing and reloading.
Bug fixes:
Corrected the Drag-and-Drop configuration for the Inventory In-Game Menu UI integration.
Ensure damage calculation only runs server-side.
Various corrections to the netfox implementation of the character scene.
The Tour instructions now correctly show that CMD (instead of CTRL) is the drag-and-drop modifier on Mac.
The Inventory System Deep Dive and Architecture Guide helps game developers implement advanced multiplayer inventories using Godot Engine. The PDF Guide contains over 500 pages of code walkthroughs, diagrams, and explains concepts related to inventories, items, and more.
This release finally uses Godot Engine 4.4. It adds the GGCraftingSystem singleton and updates the GGInteractable2DStrategyCrafting class to use it. The crafting editor nodes now have prefixes, which makes it much easier to search for specific recipe or item nodes in larger crafting libraries. Some syntactic sugar was added as well. You can now easily …
This release contains the new Godot editor integrations. It offers an Item Library bottom panel that makes it easier to manage your inventory item types, and an inspector plugin that lets you edit items in a GGItemCollection. This also reduces the need for manually creating GGItemData resources, which simplifies item management at design time significantly. …
A little while ago, I created a type of AudioManager to make it easier to work with sound files in bulk: Rather than assigning audio streams by hand, I was doing it programmatically; reading the contents of a directory and using load() to get the resources. It worked great and saved a lot of time …
Inventory System v1.17 available
A new version of the Inventory System is available. This release includes various refinements to existing systems to flesh out more combat-related functionality.
Inventory Ammo Provider
The GGAmmoProvider component is responsible for providing ammunition to equipped weapons. Previously, it only had a “simple” strategy: Creating ammunition out of thin air. The new GGAmmoProviderInventoryStrategy pulls ammunition from items in the inventory it’s connected to. This allows players to pick up ammunition from loot boxes and item spawns
Weapon and Combat Refinements
The MyRangedWeapon2D class, which powers the two example guns in the Multiplayer Interaction Demo has received some ammo consumption refinements to go with the Inventory Ammo Provider mechanic and now emits signals when firing/reloading. Melee weapons and projectiles now use the GGHurtBox component to deal damage. The HurtBox applies damages to a HitBox, which is then processed by a DamageCalculator strategy to update the HealthStats component.
The new Ghost “Enemy” spawns as part of the Multiplayer Interaction Demo, and can receive damage from both melee and ranged weapons. When taking hits, the amount of damage floats above the character/object, which is all handled on the server and replicated to clients for multiplayer by a new set of classes.
Bug fixes:
The Inventory System Deep Dive and Architecture Guide helps game developers implement advanced multiplayer inventories using Godot Engine. The PDF Guide contains over 500 pages of code walkthroughs, diagrams, and explains concepts related to inventories, items, and more.
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