Tag Archives: networking

  • godot-matcha: Free multiplayer without a server

    Godot-matcha is an addon that lets you use WebRTC for multiplayer games by handling matchmaking using WebTorrent trackers. Conceptually it’s quite an interesting, novel approach. WebTorrent uses a modified BitTorrent protocol that allows it to work with WebSockets. A WebTorrent tracker is essentially a directory service that keeps track of torrents offered by users. A …

  • Creating a UDP peer-to-peer connection

    Creating network connections with Godot is simple — as long as you have the other party’s IP address, and there’s no NAT gateway involved. Unfortunately, that’s exactly the problem in most cases. You don’t know the other party’s IP, and these days, just about everyone is behind a combination wifi router/gateway/firewall with NAT. Conceptually, NAT …
