I had a setup with nested CanvasLayer nodes. Toggling the visibility of the root CanvasLayer doesn’t hide any nested CanvasLayer nodes. My solution was to listen to the visibility_changed signal, find any CanvasLayer child nodes, and apply the same visibility to them.
func_ready() -> void:# If the visibility changes, apply it to any nested CanvasLayer nodes.visibility_changed.connect(func() -> void:find_children("*","CanvasLayer",true,false).map(func(node:CanvasLayer) -> void:node.visible=visible))
This release contains the new Godot editor integrations. It offers an Item Library bottom panel that makes it easier to manage your inventory item types, and an inspector plugin that lets you edit items in a GGItemCollection. This also reduces the need for manually creating GGItemData resources, which simplifies item management at design time significantly. …
Hugo-Dz created Super Godot Galaxy: https://github.com/Hugo-Dz/super-godot-galaxy, which he announced in this Reddit post. It uses the 3D Starter Kit from Kenney and shows how to achieve the effect of applying gravity toward the center of a small spherical planet.
In this 2018 GDC session, Spry Fox‘s Daniel Cook explains how to keep human beings from being treated as interchangeable, disposable, or abusable when designing multiplayer games. If you’re developing, or thinking about developing a multiplayer game, this is a great talk to better understand the challenges of designing multiplayer interactions that result in more …
Godot Engine 4 has a bug (#50824) that causes particle jitter when the game is paused. It does look quite distracting. The Bug in Action This is a proof-of-concept wave shooter running in Godot Engine 4.0.2. Pausing the game was initially just a simple process_mode toggle. But as shown in the video clip above, there …
Toggling Visibility of Nested CanvasLayers
I had a setup with nested CanvasLayer nodes. Toggling the visibility of the root CanvasLayer doesn’t hide any nested CanvasLayer nodes. My solution was to listen to the visibility_changed signal, find any CanvasLayer child nodes, and apply the same visibility to them.
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