Anything Godot Engine related

  • Design Patterns for Building Friendships

    In this 2018 GDC session, Spry Fox‘s Daniel Cook explains how to keep human beings from being treated as interchangeable, disposable, or abusable when designing multiplayer games. If you’re developing, or thinking about developing a multiplayer game, this is a great talk to better understand the challenges of designing multiplayer interactions that result in more …

  • The Godot Jungle Demo

    It’s not Far Cry, nor Crysis, but it could be. The Realistic Jungle Demo demonstrates that Godot is capable of impressive visuals. If you want to run it yourself, download it from It was announced in this Reddit post. Update: The source code was released (with the commercial assets removed).

  • Godot Game Engine Logo

    Building UIs in Godot 4

    Here’s a collection of tutorials that are helpful if you’re new to using Control and Container nodes to create UIs in Godot 4. The Game Dev Artisan video covers creating a simple UI with a reload indicator for a simple 2D tank game: Clear Code’s 11+ hour Ultimate Introduction to Godot 4 has a chapter …

  • Terrain3D for Godot has been released

    The Terrain3D addon for Godot lets you create and manage 3D terrains within Godot. It looks quite promising for making landscapes, hills, valleys, and other natural environments. The addon provides tools for sculpting the terrain, and you can paint different textures like grass, dirt, or rock, and blend them smoothly. It also supports features like …

  • Making breakable objects in Godot

    Here’s a tutorial on how to create breakable objects in Blender and Godot. It covers the steps needed to design and implement breakable objects, including scripting and using physics properties to make objects break apart into smaller pieces upon collision or other interactions.

  • Creating games with Godot Engine using AI

    New to Godot Engine? Want to get started creating awesome games quickly? Just use AI! AI learns (is trained) from online content (which is a whole separate topic). As a result, the quality of the answers the AI provides is based on the volume and variety of content available to learn from. Since Godot is …

  • Godot Game Engine Logo

    Godot Engine 4.1.dev4 is available

    Development snapshot #4 of Godot Engine 4.1 is here. Among many other changes, it fixes a lighting issue related to using Light-only mode in CanvasItemMaterial (#44559). Unfortunately, it also introduced a UX issue with gradient color pickers (#77745), which makes it quite difficult to work with gradients at all. If you use gradients, I recommend …

  • Wave Shooter title screen

    The Pause Handler: Working around Godot 4’s particle jitter bug

    Godot Engine 4 has a bug (#50824) that causes particle jitter when the game is paused. It does look quite distracting. The Bug in Action This is a proof-of-concept wave shooter running in Godot Engine 4.0.2. Pausing the game was initially just a simple process_mode toggle. But as shown in the video clip above, there …

  • Introducing GodotBuilder: Custom Export Templates built on demand

    Need optimized export templates with PCK encryption support but don’t want to have to set up a build pipeline or download the entire compilation toolchain on your computer? Well, now it is. Fill out the form, checkout, and we’ll email you the download link after the compilation completes. Compilation may take 30 minutes to 3 …
