The Pause Handler: Working around Godot 4’s particle jitter bug
Godot Engine 4 has a bug (#50824) that causes particle jitter when the game is paused. It does look quite distracting.
The Bug in Action
This is a proof-of-concept wave shooter running in Godot Engine 4.0.2. Pausing the game was initially just a simple process_mode toggle. But as shown in the video clip above, there is a noticeable and quite distracting jitter for every particle effect that apparently stems from some interpolation issue.
To work around it, I wrote a small pause handler script that hides all the GPU particle effects:
class_nameGGPauseHandlerextends Node## The pause component allows you to toggle the game.#### While paused, it will hide particle effects to prevent visual jitter.## The issue is present in Godot 4 (tested until 4.0.2).#### @tutorial(Github Issue #50824: Particle jitter on low speed scale or when the SceneTree is paused due to interpolation): The nodes' meta data field used to keep stateconstMETA_FIELD="gg_pause"## This game node will have its [member Node.process_mode] adjusted to pause the game@exportvar game:Node## The action name (in the [InputMap]) for pausing the game.@exportvar pause_action_name:String="pause"## Hides/unhides particles when toggling to prevent jitter@exportvar hide_particles:bool=truefunc_ready():assert(game isNode, "Must specify the node that will be paused")assert(InputMap.has_action(pause_action_name), "Please ensure the action '%s' is configured (Project Settings..., Input Map)"% pause_action_name)## Pragmatic way to listen to [InputEvent]s and check whether the pause key/button was pressedfunc_input(event:InputEvent):if event isInputEventKeyand event.is_action_pressed(pause_action_name):toggle_pause()## Toggle pausefunctoggle_pause():if game.process_mode==PROCESS_MODE_INHERIT:if hide_particles:_hide_particles() pause_toggled.emit(true) game.process_mode=PROCESS_MODE_DISABLEDelse:if hide_particles:_show_particles() pause_toggled.emit(false) game.process_mode=Node.PROCESS_MODE_INHERIT## Find and hide all GPUParticle2D effectsfunc_hide_particles():for node inget_tree().root.find_children("*","GPUParticles2D",true,false): node.set_meta(META_FIELD, node.visible) node.visible=false## Restore visibility of all previously hidden GPUParticle2D effectsfunc_show_particles():for node inget_tree().root.find_children("*","GPUParticles2D",true,false):if node.has_meta(META_FIELD): node.visible= node.get_meta(META_FIELD) node.remove_meta(META_FIELD)
Now when the game is paused, the jitter is hidden away from the player, making the experience much more pleasant. Once the bug is fixed, it’s easy to disable or remove the hiding logic. The result looks pretty good.
signal allows other nodes to react to pausing as well, which I’m using to show/hide the UI accordingly.
The Workaround Applied
I’m only writing the code here. The assets used are:
Here’s a tutorial on how to create breakable objects in Blender and Godot. It covers the steps needed to design and implement breakable objects, including scripting and using physics properties to make objects break apart into smaller pieces upon collision or other interactions.
Ever had the problem where you’re firing a bullet or some kind of projectile at high speeds, and it just goes right through the collision object, instead of hitting it? Here’s a weapon that fires a bullet at random velocities, to demonstrate the issue: The bullets impact the character in various places, rather than at …
New to Godot Engine? Want to get started creating awesome games quickly? Just use AI! AI learns (is trained) from online content (which is a whole separate topic). As a result, the quality of the answers the AI provides is based on the volume and variety of content available to learn from. Since Godot is …
Any sufficiently large code base needs documentation. Documentation tends to come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Among them are high-level architecture and design docs, class and method interface documentation, and inline comments to explain optimized or complex algorithms so the reader doesn’t have to parse the logic in their head (often, this is …
The Pause Handler: Working around Godot 4’s particle jitter bug
Godot Engine 4 has a bug (#50824) that causes particle jitter when the game is paused. It does look quite distracting.
The Bug in Action
This is a proof-of-concept wave shooter running in Godot Engine 4.0.2. Pausing the game was initially just a simple process_mode toggle. But as shown in the video clip above, there is a noticeable and quite distracting jitter for every particle effect that apparently stems from some interpolation issue.
To work around it, I wrote a small pause handler script that hides all the GPU particle effects:
Now when the game is paused, the jitter is hidden away from the player, making the experience much more pleasant. Once the bug is fixed, it’s easy to disable or remove the hiding logic. The result looks pretty good.
signal allows other nodes to react to pausing as well, which I’m using to show/hide the UI accordingly.The Workaround Applied
I’m only writing the code here. The assets used are:
The ship controls and wave transitions are loosely inspired by Galactix, a game released in 1993 (and set in the far-away future of 2019).
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